Pain in the head called occipital neuralgia. It is a common cause of headache. In occipital neuralgia pain is felt in the back of the head and in the upper part of the neck. This problem is caused by pressure on the occipital nerve.
Headache or occipital neuralgia is chronic pain in the upper neck, back of the head and behind the ears, some time on one side of the head. Some causes of nerve pain include anxiety, stress and depression. Home treatment of nerve pain in head includes rest, massage and heat to the affected area behind the ears and neck. This treatment can hopefully provide significant relief from headache.
The problem of headache is very common now days. The major cause of the head never pain is pain in the nerves of the head. However, headache never pain can be caused by several reasons such as anxiety, stress, depression, stomach gas, fatigue, lack of sleep, migraine and some type of head injury. In addition, weak, damaged nerves and muscles are also an important cause of occipital neuralgia.
The MRI scan images are obtained with a magnetic field and radio waves. Nerve damage can usually be diagnosed based on a neurological examination and can be linked by MRI scan findings.
Regular exercise can help to cure nerves pain and improve our overall health. Exercise can reduce or slow down nerve pain. It also increases blood flow of our arms, legs and reduces stress. These are natural treatment that helps to reduce discomfort and nerves pain.
Both surgical and non-surgical methods are available to treat nerve pain in the head. Non-surgical options include some medication with or without botulinum toxin and a set of three steroid injections to help calm overactive nerves.
Some other options include burning the nerves with radio waves or destroying the nerves with toxins. However, this is not a good treatment option. Because in some cases it can cause permanent nerve deadness, which can also numb your scalp.
Surgical options for occipital neuralgia focus more on decompression of the occipital nerves. A procedure called occipital release surgery. In this surgical procedure, an incision is made in the back of the neck to expose the occipital nerves. At the same time, they are released from the surrounding connective tissues and muscles, which are responsible for the contractions.
In some cases, occipital release surgery does not work permanently. Because of this, the nerve pain may return after a few days. More surgery to cut the occipital nerve may take another year. But this method is considered as the last option because it can freeze the skin.
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