How to be happy where you live is a common issue in nowadays. In this little life, we run towards happiness and want to Be Happy. But the question is that How To Be Happy? The Best Way To Be Happy or get real happiness (happy life) we surf precious time on wasting material.
People facing a lot of difficulties regarding their resident point of view. A number of people does not have their own home due to which they are forced to live on rent. Although some of them live on rent however they have the secret to be happy in life.
On the other hand, if we noticed about some rich persons who have their own home and businesses, but have not real happiness of their life. This is why?
Happiness has not any connection with wealth. Wealth is only a facility of life, not essential for life. How to be happy where you live is our today’s topic.
The best way to be happy in life is basically based on following 7 works. If you include them into your daily routine work then you may get all the benefits as well as a happy life.
Offer Five Times Prayers
Holy Quran Recitation
Always Be Thankful
Help to Poor People
Say Sorry Against Sins
Parent’s Service
Make good relationship with relatives
Being as a Muslim, it is our responsibly to offer prayer five times daily on mentioned times. Once you have fulfil this condition, we never explain about satisfaction you may get by this. So, Try to offer five times prayers always on time.
We have a beautiful guide, greatest gift of the world that is Holly Quran. This is the actual way by which we get success in life. Recite daily some verses of Holy Quran and make it you habit. Here are the list of most powerful duas.
The life is unique gift of our God (ALLAH). So, try to live a life like angel. Always be thankful to your ALLAH. By this, Allah will more shower his blessing on you and your family as well. In simple words, Thanking of ALLAH is directly proportional to blessing of ALLAH.
Whenever you have time in 24 hours, make a separate position. Analyze yourself and say sorry to your ALLAH against your sins. Promise ALLAH that you have never repeat the sins again with blessing of himself. Add this thing into your daily routine life.
Help the needy and poor people as you can. Don’t hesitate to help them in little amount. Try to help only. As you know little drops Makes River, you small or little amount will became a huge help near them. Just a moment you have to think that ALLAH may also have power to make you poor. So don’t avoid them and help them as you can maximum. This is really effective formula to get rich in few days.
When your parents got the age 50 plus, don’t avoid their basic necessities of life. They are totally depends on you now. Just think about your childhood time, when they fulfill all of your desires even you don’t have the ability to tell them. On that time, they only acknowledged your wishes by your gestures. At the time when your parents really need you, try to give them all the necessities with full of your love.
After parents, good relatives are assets of life. Always makes good relationship with your relations (brother, Sister, Brother-in-law, Sister-in-law, Uncle, Aunt, nephew, nice). As we all knows that ups and downs are the part of life, however, on critical time, good relation can help you.
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