Turmeric can help to restore your natural glow, treat uneven skin tone, improve uneven skin tone and make your skin shiny & whiten. Here we can share with you turmeric homemade remedies by using gram flour, lemon juice, honey and milk.
Some studies prove that Turmeric have skin lightening properties which help you to get rid of dark spots effectively without causing any side effects. Using turmeric along with other moisturizing ingredients such as milk or honey will help improve your skin complexion quickly.
Turmeric is one of the important skins whitening ingredient described in Ayurveda. It is known to reduce dark patches and impart a glow to the skin. It has a timeless association with weddings in India especially girls use many traditional turmeric face mask remedies for skin whitening.
Turmeric is a safe ingredient and can be used as a face mask anywhere from 20-30 minutes. Exceeding more that 30 minutes is up to you, but that’s not required at all. In fact, any mask should be left on for just about 20- 30 minutes.
Also, avoid using Turmeric daily as it has the propensity to stain. You can try washing your face with milk, if there is some staining from this yellow spice. You can use the mask up to two to three times per week.
The use of turmeric is not only good for your face but it also good for your lips, it can lighten the colour and remove dead cells. Mix turmeric with a few drops of milk to make a paste that can improve dark lips. This can be used regularly to restore your pink lips and gain soft plump lips.
There are several skin types. Some people’s skin is sensitive while some people’s skin is dry and oily. Also, some people’s skin blends. All skin types need proper care. It is important to apply a face pack on all skin types. But today we are going to tell you about some similar face packs made from turmeric which is beneficial for combination skin.
In combination skin, the T-zone area of the face remains dry, the U-zone area remains oily. Therefore, such products should be used on combination skin that contains both oily and dry skin, blended skin dry and oily or oily skin.
The face pack mixture of lemon and turmeric is very beneficial for the combination skin. Lemons remove excess oil from the skin. In addition, the face pack of turmeric and lemon smoothes the skin. To make a face pack of turmeric and lemons, take 2 teaspoons of gram flour, squeeze half a teaspoon of turmeric and lemon juice in it. Add aloe vera in this mixture. Lemons will remove excess oil from the skin while aloe vera will moisturize the skin. For best results, you can apply this pack twice a week.
If you also have combination skin, you should use any product, face pack or beauty treatment carefully. Avoid using products that make the skin dry and oily. You should use products that help keep the skin in balance.
Apply these face masks of turmeric on the skin together, for whiten and shiny skin. Compound skin problems can also be cured with the help of these turmeric face mask.
Turmeric and honey face pack is beneficial for all skin types. Honey softens the skin, moisturizes the skin. To make this face pack, you put a pinch of turmeric powder in a bowl, add honey and milk in it. Apply it on your face, wash your face after 10 minutes. Milk nourishes the skin and honey provides moisture to the skin.
In addition, applying this mixture on face can also cure problems like tan and pigmentation. Turmeric Face Pack is perfect for both dry and oily skin. Method: Take a pinch of turmeric powder, take a teaspoon of milk, add a teaspoon of honey, mix it all in a bowl and leave it for 10 minutes, wash and moisturize.
Turmeric and Nneem face mask cures many skin problems. Turmeric has both antibacterial and antifungal properties. Both are effective in treating skin infections and acne. Even if your skin is blended, you can apply turmeric and neem face mask.
To make turmeric and neem face mask, you must first make neem paste. Add a pinch of turmeric. Now apply it on your face and neck. After 20 minutes, wash your face thoroughly.
But if your skin is sensitive then you must get a patch test before applying turmeric and neem face pack. Because neem contains salicylic acid which can damage sensitive skin.
Wash your face with mild cleanser.
Apply the Licorice Powder-Tomato Paste or Turmeric Mask and leave it for 20-30 minutes.
Wash off the mask with warm water and pat your face dry.
Apply the Lemon Juice Toner and let it sit on your skin for 20 to 30 minutes.
Take 2 Teaspoons of gram flour.
Take half a teaspoon of turmeric.
Take half a teaspoon of lemon juice.
Add a little water and mix all to make a paste.
Apply it on your face and wash your face after15 minutes.
Use it two to three times a week for best results.
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