Shortness Of Breath, Breathing Problems, Common Causes & Care

Shortness Of Breath, Breathing Problems, Common Causes & Care

Shortness of breath is a very common symptom in a lot of illnesses and conditions. People think it interstitial lung disease or pulmonary hypertension, but it can also go along with conditions like heart failure and cancers.

And really there can be so much suffering that goes along with the shortness of breath. It causes anxiety and depression, and dependence on others for help around the house and doing errands and it just can make people feel so terrible.

If you have obstructive sleep apnea you’re breathing pauses for brief periods while you’re asleep.  Normally when you breathe in air flows in through your mouth and nose and down your throat also called the pharynx air then flows down your windpipe or trachea spreading through a tree like structure of smaller tubes into your lungs.

Each time you breathe in negative suction pressure pulls the soft tissues in your mouth and pharynx inward the muscles in your pharynx respond by pulling the soft tissues outward again which keeps your airway open when you sleep.

It’s normal for the muscles in your mouth tongue and pharynx to relax slightly but not enough to block your airway. If you have obstructive sleep apnoea the muscles of your mouth and pharynx may relax too much your tongue drops on to the soft tissue in the roof of your mouth pressing it against the back of your throat.

This completely blocks the flow of air into your lungs the lack of oxygen in your lungs wakes you up you may gasp for air to re-establish air  flow before falling asleep again the cycle of apnea and waking up may happen many times at night preventing restful sleep.

Factors that may contribute to obstructive sleep apnea include obesity because more fat may be present in the walls of the pharynx a small or receding jaw with a narrowed Airway loss of muscle tone in your pharynx due to aging and swollen tonsils common symptoms of obstructive sleep. Apnea are snoring morning headaches chronic daytime sleepiness fatigue irritability and impaired concentration left untreated obstructive sleep apnea may lead to complications such as high blood pressure, heart disease, irregular heartbeats called arrhythmias stroke and diabetes.

Shortness Of Breath Causes And Symptoms

Difficulty In Breathing

types of breathing problems

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