In this post I will share Remedy for Hyper Tension Health Benefits of Raisins. According to Center for Diseases Control, one third of adults in America have pre-hypertension or slightly elevated BP defined as exhibiting diastolic pressure in the range of 80 to 89 and systolic pressure in the range of 120 to 140 Experts also agree that pre-hypertension has a high possibility of turning into hypertension (high blood pressure).
According to the researchers of the American College of Cardiology, subjects with pre-hypertension were given raisins, three times daily and they saw a measurable drop in diastolic / systolic pressure in just 12 weeks. While who were given crackers or cookies with the equivalent calories, experienced no variations. An earlier clinical trial also found that raisins caused a drop in bad Cholesterol LDL by more than 9 per cent.
According to a lead investigator of that study Harold Bays, raisins are a good source of antioxidant dietary fiber that might favorably alter the biochemistry of blood vessels, causing them to be less stiff, which in turn might reduce blood pressure. I recommend eating one ounce of raisins, three times daily to lower your blood pressure. You can add them to oatmeal. Raisins are excellent source nutrition for those with blood pressure in the normal range, too. They are a smart snack choice for children and a booster for athletes and are especially beneficial for women who are pregnant or nursing. You can also read my post about blood pressure.
Raisins are basically dehydrated grapes, but they provide a much more concentrated dose of nutrients and fiber. They are high in potassium, with 220 milligrams (mg) in a small box (1.5 ounces). Potassium helps counteract the blood pressure-raising effects of salt. The more potassium we consume, the more sodium our bodies excrete.
If you have slightly higher than normal blood pressure considers eating a handful of raisins. The key to raisins blood pressure lowering power may be their potassium content. A handful – around 60 – raisins contains 1 gram of fiber and 212 milligrams of potassium, which are both recommended in the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet. Pre-hypertension’s is defined as defined as a systolic pressure from 120 to 139 mm Hg or a diastolic pressure from 80 to 89 mm Hg.
1. Effective Energy Booster
They provide natural sugars to your body. Unlike most of the energy bars raisins help in absorption of vitamins and minerals more effectively which results in strengthening of immune system.
2. Keeps you active
The high fiber content in raisins keeps you active by absorbing water and gently cleansing your system of toxins. Scientific studies have proven that a diet which includes plenty of fiber, rich food prevents rectum cancer or colorectal cancer.
3. No Tooth Decay
As sweet and sticky as raisins are, you will be definitely surprised to learn they actually contribute to good oral hygiene. Due to oleanolic acid found in raisin, it strengthens teeth and kills bad bacteria that cause gum diseases. Raisins have natural sugars (fructose and glucose) that satisfy sweet cravings without the harmful preservatives present in packaged candies.
4. Help in building good bone health
Studies have shown that kids who had more calcium have far less risk of osteoporosis in adulthood. Raisins are a rich source of both calcium and boron a mineral that aids in calcium absorption and bone cell development.
5. Useful for Anaemia Patients.
Anaemia, a condition that arises when your blood does not have enough red blood cells, Basic symptoms are shortness of breath, muscle cramp, lack of concentration, weakness, rapid heart rate and fatigue. Raisins are rich in iron and copper, two minerals that are critical to the formation of red blood cells.
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