Constipation is Mother of 90% of diseases. Constipation means Bowel movement is tough or happen less as compared its normal, which can be due to Irritable bowel syndrome. Almost everyone faces constipation sooner or later. However, with Home Remedies for Constipation, it can be cured well in time.
The normal time period for one time bowel movements are different from person to person. Someone have three time daily while other ones have only one time in just 24 hours.
However, if the bowel movement is going to longer with respect to time (03 or more days) then stool or feces become harder and more difficult to pass.
Chronic constipation mean that time for bowel movements have to increased up to 04 or 05 days. After that stool or feces become harder and more difficult while passing it.
Symptoms may as follows;
Less bowel movements
Feel Problem having a bowel movement
Harder or smaller stools
Feeling that everything didn’t come out
Belly Swelling or belly pain
Some causes include:
Medicines especially strong pain drugs such as narcotics, antidepressants, or iron pills as well as medicines that contained Calcium or Aluminum
Changes in Diet or Activities
Colon cancer
Use of Extra dairy products in Diet
Eating disorders
Irritable bowel syndrome
Inactive physic
Less amount of water or fiber in your diet
Digestive system problems
Body Stress
Take these steps as home remedies being constipated:
Warm water
Try warm liquids, especially in the morning. It will help in bowel movement.
Sometimes inactive body will be a cause of this disease. So, walk 20 minutes of 30 minutes daily will makes you more active as well as end it.
Oiling in belly hole is best to release bowel in less time. Indeed, oiling acts as lubrication. So, where you are applying other treatment, oiling in belly hole is one of the best home treatment for constipation relief.
Diet is the most important for constipated relief. Changes in Diet or Activities may lead constipation. Add fruits and vegetables to your diet. Eat prunes and bran cereal.
Drink Water
Drink two to four extra glasses of water in a day, unless your doctor told you to limit fluids for any another reason. Drinking is also acts as lubrication.
Sometimes, for lubrication manually, Enema is suggested by doctors. Process of Enema is so simple but so effective for release of bowl. By this, bowel movement is easy to pass.
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Very well written article indeed, thanks a lot for sharing such crucial information. It could be helpful for me to control my constipation.
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