All people often take special care of face beauty, hands and feet and for this they often use very expensive beauty products to beautify the face. But we see that many of us don’t pay much attention to our neck surrounding area, when the neck is not cleaned for a long time, dirt or blackness accumulates on the neck and it reduce our face beauty.
The dirt accumulated in the neck can spoil your face beauty. When the dirt accumulated in the neck starts bothering people. So they have to start using expensive beauty products to remove black neck.
If you want to get rid of black neck naturally you can try some home remedies to get rid of black neck problem, while trying these remedies at home you also need to get enough sleep, drink enough water, always moisturize your skin and massage your face specially neck with olive oil and honey.
The skin on the neck can darken due to hormonal disorders, sun exposure, obesity, high insulin levels, hormonal fluctuations and hypothyroidism. Darkening of the neck may also be associated with changes in the texture of the skin when compared to the surrounding skin conditions like itching and dark patches in other parts of the body.
To clean black neck overnight naturally, take two tablespoons of Besan (gram flour), Half teaspoon lemon juice, Half teaspoon of turmeric powder and some rose water or milk.
Mix all the ingredients and form a paste. Apply the mixture on your neck, leave it on for about 15-20 minutes and rinse with water. You can repeat this remedy twice a week.
Mix 1 tablespoon of milk and 1 tablespoon of rose water with enough powdered orange peel to make a thick paste. Apply this paste on your neck about 15 minutes before rinsing it off with cool water. Repeat two to three times per week. You can also use this remedy to remove darkness on your underarms.
The minerals and vitamins present in the plant reduce pigmentation by Take a piece an aloe leaf and extract the gel from its open area. Now, apply this gel on your neck and scrub the neck for a few minutes. Leave the gel on for half and hour and rinse it with water.
Baking soda is very useful for removing dirt around neck and other parts of body. Take 2-3 tablespoons of baking soda and enough water to make a smooth paste. Apply this paste on the neck and let it dry for 15-20 minutes and rinse with water. You can repeat this remedy twice a week.
Lemon juice does wonders in treating the darkness around the neck because it has high in citric acid and Vitamin C. To get rid from dark neck take lemon juice and apply it on the neck, leave it to dry for 15-20 minutes before rinsing it off with cold water. You can also add a pinch of turmeric to lemon juice and rub this on the neck. This is a useful remedy for glowing skin and getting rid of a dark neck.
To clean black neck you can use apple cider vinegar, aloe vera gel, baking soda, potato and lemon to clean black neck. All these work as the best home remedies to remove wax from the neck. The ingredients present in them are helpful in lightening neck darkness. Try these 5 home remedies to get rid of dark spots on your neck naturally.
Apple cider vinegar can be one of the best home remedies to clear dark spots around neck. Take 4 spoons of water to remove. Add 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar to it. Now apply both of them on the neck with the help of a cotton ball and wash it off with water after 10 minutes. You can apply it 4-5 times a week to get rid of dark neck.
Apple cider vinegar balances the skin’s pH level. It gives the skin a natural glow. The ingredients in Apple Cider Vinegar exfoliate the skin, which removes dead skin cells and the blackheads start to come out. But moisturize the skin after apple cider vinegar. Otherwise, the skin may become dry.
Potatoes also have the power to remove dark spots on the neck. You can use potato as a home remedy to get rid of dry neck. For this you take a potato. Grind it and extract the juice. Now apply this juice on your neck. After 15 minutes, wash the neck with water. You can repeat this treatment 2 times a day.
Potatoes have bleaching properties that help in reducing dark skin to a great extent. So you can use potato to remove dark spots, freckles or blackheads on the neck. Potatoes can help make the skin smoother.
Aloe vera gel can be effective in removing neck scales. For this you take 2-3 spoons of aloe vera gel. Add a pinch of turmeric to it. Now apply this paste all over your neck and wash off with fresh water after half an hour. You can follow this recipe twice a day to get rid of neck wax.
Aloe vera contains the flavonoid aloesin which helps in lightening skin discoloration by inhibiting the enzyme that causes skin discoloration. Aloe vera also moisturizes the skin. The vitamin E and protein in aloe vera nourishes the skin and helps to make it beautiful.
Baking soda can also be an effective home remedy for neck cleanness. For this you take 2 teaspoons of baking soda. Add water to it and make a paste. Now rub this paste lightly on the neck with the help of fingers. Then clean the skin. After that, moisturize the neck. You can repeat this remedy 3-4 times a week to get rid of dark neck.
Baking soda is helpful in removing dandruff from the neck. Using baking soda exfoliates the skin, removing dead skin cells and dirt easily. Due to this, the skin of the neck becomes lighter in color.
Lemon is also considered to be an effective home remedy for black neck. For this you take two spoons of gram flour. Add a pinch of turmeric and half a teaspoon of lemon juice to it. Now apply this paste on your neck. After 15-20 minutes, wash the neck with clean water. You can use this remedy daily to get rid of black neck.
In fact, lemons are high in vitamin C. Vitamin C can help lighten dark spots on the skin. The properties present in lemon help in removing the dryness and blackness of the neck easily.
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