Borax is one of those domestic remedies that has been long used for soothing substance and for a healing purpose. In “nursing sore mouth” of mother or child Borax has been used in the families of old, in the form of Borax and honey, as a wash. It is a fact that Borax will rapidly heal up a sore mouth.
Borax reduces aphthous conditions of the mouth, which extend to the stomach. It cures where the genitalia and anus are covered with these aphthous appearances. Anxiety, fidgetiness and sensitiveness are prominent in Borax. This anxiety or nervousness, this indescribable feeling that is within him, is aggravated from upward or downward motion.
Borax is the remedy for all cases of sore mouth specially in children. The mother is in the act of laying the child down on the bed it often rouses up in its sleep and cries out in fright. The anxiety may be better appreciated if you will go to the top of one of these high buildings and go down in the elevator. It is natural for everyone to feel, with the rapid motion, an anxious feeling in the stomach, a sensation of falling that is natural to the healthy man, but if you exaggerate that intensely you have the Borax condition in which the slightest downward motion, of even riding down hill or walking down stairs, or, in the child, when being carried down stairs in the mother’s arms, produces a violent aggravation.
There are many eye symptoms. “Granular lids”. “Lashes turn inward towards eye and inflame it. Difficult opening of lids. The face of the infant is pale, and clay-colored. “Children has small vesicles around the mouth, and on the forehead.
Sore in mouth and on tongue and inside of check. Borax is one among many medicines when the mouth is so sore that the child lets loose its hold of the nipple or bottle.
Red blisters on tongue and vomiting after drinking. This leads one to expect that this apathies state has traveled down the esophagus into the stomach. There are many stomach symptoms present that are likely to be the result of some such condition. The sore mouth, such as mothers have and such as infants have can be cured with Borax.
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