The color of our gums can vary depending on our dental and overall health. Generally spoken, light to darker pink gums mean they are healthy, while red gums show signs of sensitivity or inflammation.
In most cases gums turning black are a reaction to the nicotine used in tobacco. Smoking produces more melanin, which can cause gums to turn brown or black. The more melanin people have in their bodies, the darker their skin and hair will be. Black gums may be due to a person having more melanin in the body. If a person’s gums have always been dark, there is no cause for worry.
Treatment for black gums will depend on conditions such as gum infections or Addison’s disease will usually need treatment with medication. It may be possible to reverse changes in gum color that are caused by smoking.
If someone have black gums so don’t worry because nothing wrong with dark gums at all. In most cases they are completely healthy but their appearance can easily be fixed. Gum whitening or gum lightening can be done using a whitening solution along with a laser treatment. However you can try some homemade remedy to remove black gums at home. So, here is some tips to how you can get pink gums at home.
Clove oil is a natural anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial. It also stimulates the repair of damaged gum tissue. Use the leaf of the clove and massage it directly onto your gums to remove blackish appearance on gum.
Select a good and right toothbrush. Toothbrush plays a very important role when it comes to maintaining healthy gums. Using mouthwash and gum bleaching can helpful for restore red gum.
After finishing a healing period, you have red or pink healthy gums. Follow these home remedies to get rid of black gums, gums will turn pink. Problems with black gums can be caused by many reasons; you can adopt these treatments to get rid of black gums.
The color of your gums is usually pink or light red. But sometimes for some reason your gums turn black. Black gums can also be related to your diet and lifestyle. Smoking or a lack of nutrients in your diet can also cause your gums to darken. Lack of melanin in the body can also be a major cause. Darkening of the gums not only affects your beauty but can also be a sign of many diseases in the body. If your gums have also turned black. And if you want to make your gums pink naturally, then here are some homemade tips.
Darkening of the gums can also cause pyorrhea in the teeth. Sometimes black gums can be caused by food, sometimes bacteria and food particles found in the mouth can cause severe damage to the gum tissue, which can cause you to have gum problems. You can get rid of this problem by adopting these home remedies.
You can get rid of the problem of black gums by using baking soda. Baking soda can be used in many ways to treat gum problems. Brushing your teeth daily with baking soda can easily get rid of this problem. In addition, making a paste of baking soda and applying it on the gums for a few days can also overcome this problem. If there are sores or cuts in the gums, be sure to consult a specialist or doctor before using baking soda.
Lack of vitamin D in the body also causes your gums to turn black. When your gums are dark, taking vitamin D can help you get rid of the problem quickly. You can easily get rid of this problem by adding vitamin D rich foods in your diet and taking vitamin D supplements if needed.
There are many reasons behind the dark color of the gums. Many diseases in your body are also considered to be the main culprits. In this case, you can use clove oil to make the gums pink. Clove oil is used as a medicine in Ayurveda. Apply clove oil on it with the help of cotton and massage on the gums daily and then wash with lukewarm water. Doing this for a few days will help you to get rid of this problem.
Using green tea can help you avoid gum problems. Green tea is considered to be very beneficial for teeth and gums. You should drink green tea daily to get rid of gum infections and gum blackening. Doing so will benefit your gums and will remove the blackness of the gums.
Eucalyptus oil is used as a medicine in many diseases. Using it can help you get rid of gum problems. Eucalyptus oil has anti-inflammatory properties that are beneficial in many gum problems. If the gums are black, apply eucalyptus oil on the gums with the help of cotton. Doing so will bring back the pink color of your gums and will be beneficial in many other gum related issues.
Aloe vera is considered to be a very beneficial medicine for skin and health. You can use it on the skin and its juice is also drunk in many serious problems. Apply aloe vera gel on the gums for a few days to remove gum blackness. Doing so will eliminate the problems related to your gums and will also help in the blackening of the gums.
how to get rid of black gums naturally at home- Home Remedies For Black Gums-how to get rid of black gums fast-how to get rid of black gums in child-how to make black gums pink naturally-baking soda for dark gums-toothpaste for black gums-how to get rid of black gums from smoking-how to lighten dark gums- Using Aloe Vera to get rid of black gums- Using Clove Oil to get rid of black gums- Using Baking Soda to get rid of black gums- Are Black Gums Permanent- Why Is Gums Turning Black?
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