Revision of Basic Pay Scales & Allowances of Civil Servants of the Federal Government 2017-18. Revised pay scales has been sanctioned by President with effect from 1st July 2017 for the employees of the Federal Government, paid out of civil estimates and from defense estimates.
The Basic Pay Scales 2017 shall replace the Basic Pay Scales 2016 with effect from 01-07-2017. The basic pay of an employee in service on 30-6-2017 shall be fixed in Basic Pay Scales 2017 on point to point basis. In case of Personal Pay being drawn by an employees as part of his/her basic pay beyond the maximum of his pay scale on 30-06-2017, he continued to draw such pay in the Basic Pay Scales 2017 at the revised rates. Annual increment shall continued to be admissible subject to the existing conditions on 1st December each year.
The Ad-hoc allowance 2010@ 50% granted w.e.f 01-07-2010 shall cease to exist with effect from 01-07-2017. The Ad-hoc allowance 2017 @ 10% of running basic pay of BPS-2017 shall be allowed to the civil employees including contingent paid staff and contract employees. The Ad-hoc allowance will be subject to income tax. The Ad-Hoc 2017 will be admissible during leaves and entire period of LPR. Not be treated as part of emoluments for purpose of calculation of Pension/Gratuity and recovery of House Rent. The allowance will be admissible during the period of suspension.
Complete Chart of Basic Pay Scale 2017-2018 is given below. In which detail of Basic pay scale 1 to Basic Pay scale 22 is given and also comparison with last BPS 2016.
Here you can download revised Basic Pay Scales Calculator to calculate and fix your pay.
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