These wonder drugs created by God provide nearly all of the vitamins and minerals our bodies need as well as the healing properties God intended. These fruits, vegetables and nuts created for us and the amazing coincidence between their form and function. These astonishing God’s pharmacy always helpful for your health. Active people need to make sure they consume adequate vitamins and minerals to meet the demands of his fitness. A varied balanced diet, which includes plenty of fruit and vegetables etc.
Physicians tell us that fit and healthy people tend to have a lower risk of diseases such as cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and some types of cancer. Remember that people with higher levels of aerobic fitness tend to maintain more mobility and independence in the event of disease, suffer fewer complications and are less likely to need to be in hospital. Bellow are ten most important natural foods you need everyday for your fitness.
One cup of cooked broccoli provides 6% of the calciu, 8% of the magnesium and 14% of the potassium you need every day.
One medium banana provides 1% of the calcium, 8% of the magnesium and 12% of the potassium you need every day.
One cup of white beans provides 13% of the magnesium and 24% of the potassium you need every day.
One piece of an avocado provides 1% of the calcium, 5% of the magnesium and 10% of the potassium you need every day.
One cup of fat free plain yogurt provides 49% of the calcium, 12% of the magnesium and 18% of the potassium you need every day.
One medium peach or nectarine provides 1% of the calcium, 3% of the magnesium and 8% of the potassium you need every day.
One cup of dale raw or cooked provides 9% of the calcium and 6% of the magnesium you need every day.
One cup of raw red bell papper provides 1% of the calcium, 4% of the magnesium and 9% of the potassium you need every day.
One kiwi fruit provides 2% of the calcium 7% of the magnesium and 9% of the potassium you need every day.
One medium sweet potato with the skin provides 4% of the calcium, 8% of the magnesium and 15% of the potassium you need every day.
Natural Ways To Maintain Fitness-Natural Foods- Maintain Your Fitness- Natural Foods Can Help You to Maintain Your Fitness- Broccoli- Sweet Potato- Kiwi Fruit- Red Bell Papper-Kale- Peaches- Nectarines- Fat Free Plain Yogurt- Avocado- White Beans
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