This post is about How to Treat Flu, Allergies & Sore Throats with Homeopathy and importance of Allium Cepa (Red Onion), also I share some useful medicine make with Allium Cepa (Red Onion).
Allium cepa (Red Onion) is the Latin name of the homeopathic remedy made from the Red Onion. Onions have been used in medicine for treatment of infections. Red Onion especially used to treat cold cough and the flu.
Allium Cepa helps with symptoms of burning, watery eyes, colds, sinus problems, hay fever, allergies. Excess mucous from the nose. Discharge from the nose is acidic and makes the surrounding skin burn.
Nose: Sneezing, especially when entering a warm room
Colds: Excess mucous form nose, Discharge is acidic, burning surrounding skin, nostrils & upper lip become red & sore bland discharge from eyes.
Allergies: Allergies when they have a tendency to go into the eyes causing watery eyes, High Fever, Inner Ear Infections,
Cough: From inhaling cold air; painful, tearing sensation; grasps throat
HEADACHE : Dull pain, mostly in forehead
SORE THROAT: Burning, smarting sensation
Stomach: Canine hunger. Pain in pyloric region. Thirst. Belching. Nausea.
Use it for Allergies or colds, runny nose and for watery eyes. This medicine helps with allergic or viral runny nose.
This medicine help Allergies, High Fever or cold.
Use this medicine for headaches, gas and swelling in stomach
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