Unwanted hair on the visible areas of the body like hands, feet, face and back are one of the main problems faced by many people especially women. Hair on the body makes a person unattractive. The main cause of excess body hair is hormonal changes, obesity, heredity, genetics and emotional stress. Though there are many latest techniques available from beauty clinics such as waxing, laser hair removal therapies and also many cosmetic are available for unwanted hair removal but all these method are very costly. These treatments are generally chemical oriented and they can harm the skin in long run. So this treatment should be avoided, to resolve this issue home remedies are simple and safe alternative way to get rid of this problem. The advantage of using these remedies has no side effects in human body and It gives us the best results. Excess unwanted hair can be removed permanently by these home remedies. Here in this post I am sharing some effected home remedies of getting rid of unwanted hair permanently.
Lemon is used to remove excess hair. Sugar mixed with water and lemon juice will help in exfoliating your face and offer natural bleach to your face. These three ingredients combine to help effectively remove hair on your face as well as other parts of the body.
2 Tablespoons of sugar
10 Tablespoons of water
2 Teaspoons of lemon juice
Mix sugar and water in the small bowl. Once the sugar solution is ready, add lemon juice into the bowl and mix well. Now apply this sugar and lemon mixture on your face in the direction of hair growth on the face. Allow this mixture to rest on your face for 15 to 20 minutes. Wash it off with water after 20 minutes, by rubbing the mixture gently with your arms, legs and hands. Repeat this process two to three times a week to see a reduction in facial hair.
Take 1/2 Kilogram Sugar.
1 Cup of Water
1/4 Teaspoon of Citric Acid
1/2 Teaspoon of Glycerin
To make the wax add the sugar in 1 cup of warm water let the sugar melt. Dissolve one for the teaspoon citric acid in warm water. Add this to the pan. When mixture become thick like honey, mix glycerin in it. Now wax is ready to use. You can apply it when it become cold not use it when it is hot because it may burn the skin.
Take 1 Egg (White Portion not yellow)
1 tablespoon of Sugar
Corn Flour
To make this mixture, mix the white portion egg with 1 teaspoon sugar. Add one pinch corn flour to this. Apply this mixture on the skin. When it dries, wash it off with cold water.
To use unwanted hair from your body parts like bikini area, prepare a liquid mixture with 1 ½ teaspoon of salt in 1 cup of warm water and apply it to the body parts. Salts acts like an exfoliate, anti-biotic and cleanser. It helps to remove the hair in the skin.
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