Zong Monthly Internet Package 2021
If you want to know the details of all the best Zong Monthly internet packages then you are at right place here you can find Zong Monthly Internet Package 2021 with complete detail like how you’ll get this offer on your number, how will you unsubscribe from this offer and how many free data you’ll get with them, every detail are given below.
Zong Monthly Internet Package 2021
Zong Monthly Mini 150 Rs 50 + tax 150MB N/A 30 Days Dial *6464# then press 4 Automatically expires after 30 days
Zong Monthly Basic 500 Rs 150 + tax 500MB N/A 30 Day Dial *6464# and press 4 Automatically expires after 30 days
Zong Monthly Premium 3GB Rs 300 + tax 3GB N/A 30 Days Dial *6464# and follow the instructions Automatically expires after 30 days
Zong Monthly Premium 30GB Rs 744 + tax 15GB for the entire month 15GB for YouTube + TikTok 30 Days Dial *6464# and follow the instructions Automatically expires after 30 days
Zong Super Card Rs 650 2500MB 2500 On-Net-Minutes, 150 Off-Net-Minutes, 2500 SMS, 1GB YouTube, Free WhatsApp 30 Days Dial *50# Automatically expires after 30 days
Zong IMO Package Rs 30 200MB ( Only for IMO) N/A 30 Days Dial *466# Automatically expires after 30 days
Zong Whats app Offer Rs 30 Unlimited N/A 30 Days Dial *247# Automatically expires after 30 days
Zong Shandaar Mahana Offer Rs 300 + tax 1000 MBs 100 Off-Net-Minutes, 1000 SMS, On-Net-Minutes 30 Days Dial *1000# Type “unsub Mahana” and send it to 7091
Zong Internet Sim Monthly Rs500 + tax 3GB N/A 30 Days From Retailer Automatically expires after 30 days
Zong Monthly Power Pack 500 Rs 500 2500 MBs 50 Off-Net-Minutes, 1000 SMS, 1000 On-Net-Minutes 30 Days Dial *1313# and follow the instructions Dial *6464# and follow the instructions
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