How To Get Your Lips Pink
Q: I have noticed that my lips look dark. Why does this happen and how can I fix it?
Darkening of lips can happen due to various reasons ranging from excessive use of lipsticks, mechanical, skin disorders, smoking , chewing tobacco, high intake of caffeinated products and sun allergy to internal diseases. Try exfoliating your lips. Use a cosmetic scrubbing agent such as an apricot scrub once a week. Follow a balanced diet and drink plenty of water Avoid drinking caffeine. Minimize the use of lip cosmetics. Apply petroleum jelly on your lips at night and use sunscreen during the day. It will keep your lips hydrated and would prevent them from further darkening.
To lighten lip colour, you can use creams containing vitamin C. Some of the natural ingredients discussed in the post are effective in lightening dark lips instantly fast reading my this post at the end, you will also learn about how to get your lips pink, lip discoloration treatment, remedy for dark lips due to smoking, lip care home remedies and lighten dark lips product.
Remedy For Dark Lips Due To Smoking
Q: I am 29 years old and an occasional smoker? Please suggest some remedy for dark lips.
Cigarettes contain nicotine, the ingredient attributing to darkening or staining of the lips because of smoking. The first thing you should do lighten the colour or reduce darkening is to discontinue the smoking habit. There are natural home remedies that have proven to be effective for many and all it takes is patience and time for the changes to show.
Remedy of Honey, Berries and Aloe Vera For Dark Lip Due To Smoking
Barriers such as raspberries (a small soft red fruit) and strawberries (a small juicy red fruit which has small brown seeds on its surface) can be used to get rid of the dark lips. Take some honey, berries and some Aloe Vera(a type of plant with thick pointed leaves, or the thick liquid found in the leaves which is used to treat damaged skin) juice and make a paste. Apply this mixture to your dark lips and leave it on for 5 minutes. Rinse the mixture off then apply some lip balm. Raspberries are also known to contain vital vitamins and minerals that are needed to keep the lips vibrant and healthy.
Remedy of Honey, Glycerin and Lime Juice For Dark Lip Due To Smoking
Make a mixture of lime juice (a round fruit containing a lot of juice which is sour like a lemon but smaller and green), honey and glycerin then apply it to your lips every night before going to bed. You can alternatively make a mixture of glycerin and crushed rose petals to lighten your lip colour.
Lip Care Home Remedies
Here are some of the best home remedies for darker lip skin.
Lemon Juice Lip Care Home Remedies
Lemon is known to be a bleaching agent and it acts as an effective remedy to treat dark lips. Lemon juice is effective in correcting various skin cure. It is very useful for the treatment of dark spots on the face, removal of acne scars, and also for skin lightening, lemon is also very suitable for lightening dark lips.
Take a fresh lemon simply squeeze the juice and apply on your lips before getting to bed. To make your natural lip from lemon, obtain a slice and squeeze the juice into a small amount of sugar. Mix the two ingredients and apply on your lips using a finger. Rub gently in a circular motion to avoid skin injuries. Repeat the process every before to go to bed and you will notice a positive change after a period of one to two month.
How To Get Your Lips Pink
Healthy pink lips add extra charm to a person’s face. Who does not like to have pink rosy lips? Everyone does. These naturally appealing lips don’t need regular application of lips balms or lipsticks to look luscious and healthy. But several factors like the suns rays, smoking and caffeine affect our lips and darken them. Luckily, there are several natural solutions to lighten darker lips. Here is natural home remedies that can lighten dark lips and your lips color look like pink.
Rose Extract : Home Remedies To Get Your Lips Pink
You can lighten your darker lips using rose water mixed with little amount of honey. Scrub your lips in a gentle manner on a daily routine you will begin to notice positive changes . Soak rose petals in a small amount of milk and mix to form a paste. To make it more effective add few drops of honey. Apply before you get to bed. This is the best way on how to get your lips pink.
Almond Oil : Home Remedies To Get Your Lips Pink
Almond oil is good for moisturizing, softening and lightening dark lips. To make an effective dark skin lip lightener, mix few drops of almond oil with honey leave it on for several hours. Best apply before going to bed. You can also use castor oil following a gentle massage routine. Coconut oil is also an alternative.
Honey : Home Remedies To Get Your Lips Pink
Honey is an amazing natural ingredient, which can be used to treat dark lips. Honey protects your lips against bacterial infections and sunburn due to UV radiations from the sun. It also moisturizes your lips making them to turn from dark to pink hence regarded suitable for using in treatments on how to get pink lips. Apply honey on your dark lips for about 15 minutes and then rinse with water.
Milk Cream : Home Remedies To Get Your Lips Pink
This is an age old remedy for treating dark lips.Try milk cream with a bit of saffron and apply this mixture to your lips. Continue this ritual several times a day and at night for effective results.
Strawberry Lip Balm
To get naturally smooth pink lips, mix one spoon of strawberry with two spoons of petroleum jelly. Try this as a lip balm daily to get glossy pink lips.
Best Tips To Lighten Your Lips
Apply Vaseline to your lips regularly. This keeps lips moisturized.
Apply toothpaste on your dark lips for 3 minutes before shower or bathe.
Massage lips every night with a mixture of 1/2 tsp. Glycerin and 1/2 tsp. Castor oil with 1/2 tsp. Lemon juice and leave overnight.
Always take plenty of vegetable, fruit and water.
If you must need to use lipstick,use a branded one and do not use it when the date has expired. If you are open in sun for long, use UV protectors on your lipsticks.
I have given above the best natural beauty tips to lighten your lips. Practice them and see how your lips bloom and glow like a pink rose. You will not get brighter or reddish lips over a night, for getting pinkish lips, you have to use the above dark lips remedies and wait for the prescribed time. Then, you must get pretty and Pink lips.
How to Lighten Dark Lips Naturally
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