Diabetes becomes a very common heath problem. There are two main types of diabetes. Type 1 diabetes in which the body does not produce insulin and Type 2 diabetes in which the body does not produce enough insulin or the insulin that is produced does not work properly. The body part that is required for producing insulin is pancreas, which is located at the rear of the stomach. It is made of clusters of cells known as islets. Islets consist of beta cells that are necessary for producing insulin. They then release the hormone in the blood to control sugar in blood.
Some of the common symptoms of diabetes include fatigue, weight loss, excessive thirst, increased urination. There are various natural remedies for diabetes that will help you control your blood sugar level.
Cut Down On Sugar
Cut Down On Carbohydrates
Go For Healthy Fats
Eat More Vegetables
Eat Enough Protein
Keep Your Blood Pressure Under Control
Stop Smoking
Diabetes can be effectively managed with the help of Methi and Karela.
Wet the Methi Seeds in water at night and drink this water and chew on the seeds with empty stomach in the morning.
Place Methi Seeds in a frying pan and dry roast using medium heat for about two minutes. Allow the seeds to cool and then powder, add one teaspoon of this powder to hot or cold water and take once or twice in a day.
Boil one cup of water and add 2 Tablespoons of Methi Seeds, steep for about 10 minutes and then strain and consume the liquid. Do this twice every day to see a reduction of blood glucose levels.
Select a green bitter gourd, slice it lengthwise, and scrape away the flesh to remove the seeds. Then add the vegetable to a blender and run it to obtain a juice. Drink one small glass of this juice first thing every morning.
Take some pieces of dried bitter gourd, boil in one cup of water and consume this tea once or twice in a day.
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