What is anemia? Hemoglobin or red blood cell deficiency caused occurs in patients call anemia. Hemophilia globin protein particles of blood, full of substance occur in iron, which helps deliver oxygen to the body’s cells. A person may become less hemoglobin in the blood, it is being anemic. This means reducing the amount of oxygen in the body that has been lost. It is pale, and there is a lot of feeling weak. Anemia may be small or large for the period. Minor illness can be controlled with diet changes, but In the case of illness, medical treatment is required. If anemia if not treated can affect the child’s development. Anemia may affect mental development. This attention problems, reading ability, poor school performance is the cause.
There are many types of anemia, which is known reasons.
Iron deficiency anemia occurs is very common. Iron makes hemoglobin in the body. Such newborn breast milk, formula milk or cow’s milk without blending name them after 6 months become more susceptible to iron deficiency. Iron in the formula necessary, if the child does not start eating solid food.
Sick of cell anemia is considered by inheritance and the deterioration of Red Blue cells. These cells do not travel to the body, nor create normal RBC. Because the oxygen supply to chronic disease in which the body becomes anemic. Having kidney failure, occurs cancer disease risk. Other causes of anemia old and are having severe anemia from bleeding. It is very common anemia, bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract may be. It is caused by cow’s milk protein allergy.
Treatment of anemia treatment depends on what were the reasons for anemia, and how is this intensity. Treatment is usually done based on the following. First iron medicines or supplements.
Second the foods, which is more than the amount of meat and green vegetables, Children who do not like meat, they should eat more dark green vegetables such as spinach, Beans, Peas , Dried fruit, such as raisins and apricots, Iron-fortified cereals, breads and pastas and Seafood. Vitamin C is also found in Broccoli, Grapefruit, Melons, Oranges, Peppers, Strawberries,Tomatoes etc.
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