People often ask about why does the foot burn? Burning feet can be a problem due to many reasons such as kidney failure, fungal infection, lack of vitamins, alcohol consumption etc. This problem is small in appearance but it is not right to ignore it.
If the burning of the feet ends in two to three days, then there is no need to worry, but if this problem persists, consult a doctor. Serious diseases such as nerve damage can also cause symptoms of burning feet. So do not delay treatment. In this article we will discuss the causes of burning feet and will talk about its treatment.
In feet burning sensation your feet may feel hot, tingling, prickling, or numb. The pain is often worse at night. The most common reasons of burning pain are damaged nerves, chronic health conditions such as diabetes, HIV, kidney disease, alcoholism, deficiency of vitamin B-12, poor dietary habits and bulging or herniated disc while fatigue or a skin infection can cause temporarily feet burning.
Burning in the soles of the feet can be caused by the build-up of high uric acid in the body in medical term it is called gout pain and it mostly affects your feet. Research data shows that people who have high uric acid usually experience peripheral neuropathic sensation including numbness, tingling, burning feet problem.
Stress can cause burning, tingling, and other sensations similar to what you would experience with neuropathy. Stress can make you hyperventilate, it makes the blood vessels in your body constrict. This reduces the amount of blood flow to your lower legs and arms and can cause feet burning.
High blood pressure cause burning feet people who usually have high blood pressure problem their kidneys slowly stop working the right way. That’s made waste fluid build up in their body, which can damage nerves including in feet, and cause a burning feeling.
People who have kidney disease it can cause a burning sensation. Having regular dialysis treatments to remove toxins in the blood will help relieve the sensation of burning feet.
To treat burning feet at home, soak your feet in cool water for at least 15 minutes. This may provide temporary relief. Vitamin C can fight that inflammation so eat foods rich in this helpful vitamin, including oranges, kiwis, strawberries, tomatoes, kale and spinach. Try to lose weight if you are overweight. Avoid wearing tight shoes and exposing your feet to heat.
People whose kidneys are not healthy they may also have a burning problem in their feet. Due to the non-functioning of the kidneys, pollution starts to occur in the blood which can cause burning or itching of the feet. If there is burning in the legs due to kidney failure symptoms like difficulty in breathing, low urine output, feeling of vomiting, fatigue etc contact the doctor immediately.
A burning sensation in the feet may also occur due to lack of vitamin B in the body. Vitamin B deficiency can cause many diseases in the body like anemia, lack of red blood cells in the body some other problems caused by vitamin B deficiency include fatigue, dizziness and difficulty breathing.
Many types of infections like shingles, lymph disease etc can cause burning problem in the feet. The infection can spread to the feet. If there is pain along with feet burning treatment should not be delayed.
Athlete’s foot is a type of fungal infection which is mostly seen in the feet of athletes. That’s why we call it athlete’s foot. Athlete’s foot can cause irritation, itchy feet. If you have dry skin, cracked skin, peeling of the feet with burning sensation in the feet. If you see symptoms like this, understand that it is athlete’s foot and get it treated by your doctor.
People who consume a lot of alcohol they may have a burning problem in their feet. Alcohol affects the nerves due to which there is burning sensation in the feet. Alcohol use is harmful to the body anyway so you should avoid using it.
If you have feet burning problem follow some simple home remedies these home remedies can only effective for some time pain if there is more pain immediately see your doctor.
Turmeric contains curcumin which helps to relax the nerves. Curcumin is an antioxidant, antimicrobial this will relieve the irritation of the feet.
If there is burning in the feet due to infection apply Neem Oil or Neem Paste on the feet to relieve the irritation. Neem has antibacterial properties that help to get rid of burning feet problem quickly.
Soak your feet in cold water to get rid of burning feet. You can also add ice cubes to the water if you like. Cold water will soothe the irritated feet. Soak the feet in water for 15 minutes. Then wipe the feet with a clean towel. give your feet some rest and apply a good moisturizer or coconut oil to your feet.
You can also soak your feet in a mixture of apple cider vinegar and water to relieve foot irritation but this method is not for diabetes patients.
Massage will improve blood circulation and reduce inflammation. Massaging your feet with oil such as almond oil or coconut oil can be very useful. You can also add a few drops of essential oil like lavender oil.
Ask your Dr to suggest a B vitamin supplement if you have the lack of vitamin B, because deficiency of it can cause irritation in the feet. You can also eat foods rich in B vitamins. Vitamin B is found in eggs, chicken, spinach etc.
If irritation is high you can take magnet therapy with doctor’s advice. If the burning in the feet decreases in two to three days, then don’t worry but if the irritation in the feet persists for a long time see a doctor right away it can be the cause of a serious illness so don’t be careless.
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