Like hair, changes in nails are due to disease, nutritional deficiencies, and external factors such as long term exposure to chemicals or ultraviolet light. In some case changes in fingernails is a serious type of skin cancer that occurs in the skin under your nails. If a fingernail has changing dark streak, it is time to see a dermatologist for a skin cancer check because dark streak could be nail cancer called melanoma, the most serious type of skin cancer. However not every dark streak is a melanoma but it is always good to have a dermatologist checkup to clear. Melanoma is very rare only 3.5% of the people in the world have Melanoma and can also be a side effect of some types of drugs used to treat cancer.
A light to dark brown colored band on the nail that’s usually vertical; it often slowly expands and covers more of the nail. More seriously, black lines on the nails can indicate the presence of melanoma, a dangerous form of skin cancer. Nails may darken, crack or become brittle. White ridges or bands of discoloration may appear along the nails. Nail beds may darken. A small percentage of patients lose all or part of their fingernails and toenails. Nails can become weak, may appear more curved than usual when viewed from the side, and the ends of fingers may become larger than usual also lowers your white blood cell count, putting you at risk for infection around your nails. If your nails are changing color, it is not be right to ignore them.
Our body needs nails as much as we need fingers. Nails can prevent your fingers from pointing at anything. It also tells you a lot about your health. If your nails are very yellow, it simply means that it is a fungal infection. You should use antibacterial treatment. If your nails are very rough and weak, it means you have a disease like cancer.
You may have kidney or liver disease. So it could mean that your body is lacking nutrients. You can also detect cancer in your body by the color of your nails. Yes, the color of your nails can indicate a type of cancer. If you notice this symptom, instead of ignoring it, go straight to the doctor.
Sometimes a medication causes changes in the nails. If you are undergoing treatment for cancer, then your nails may also change color or the nails may have vertical lines. If there is a dark color around the cuticle, this may be due to anti-androgenic therapy. If there is excessive pigmentation, one of the reasons may be chemotherapy or other cancer treatment. If the nails are not growing, it could also be due to chemo.
If your nails change color, it could also mean cancer which can be detected due to change in body color. Especially due to changes in the color of the nails, darkening of the lines inside your nails, and darkening of the skin around your cuticles. This type can be a sign of cancer. If you already have cancer and are taking medicines to treat it. Therefore, the side effects of these medicines can also change the color of your nails. Sometimes the nails can also change color due to radiation. Swelling around the nails can also be a sign of cancer.
You should be on the lookout for some other symptoms such as bleeding from the nails and these symptoms persisting for a long time. Black and brown streaks in nails, if you are seeing all of these symptoms, you may find it hard to ignore them. So by going to the doctor you can identify this type of cancer through a biopsy. You should start treatment immediately afterwards. This disease can be fatal. So you should start taking treatments like surgery, chemotherapy, immunotherapy.
Whatever changes you notice in your nails, get your body checked once in a while. You may be experiencing such symptoms due to lack of nutrition in your body. So, you will be able to know the exact reason during the checkup and you can start treatment immediately. In the case of cancer, the sooner treatment is started, the better your chances of recovery. You should keep noting the changes daily.
signs of cancer in fingernails-lymphoma nail changes-melanoma nail cancer symptoms-is nail cancer deadly-lung cancer fingernails- What Should You Do After Seeing This Sign- Can Nail Color Be A Sign Of Cancer- What Does Cancer Look Like Under A Fingernail
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