Everyone wants to know that how to save money properly and managing bills and money till the end of month. But unfortunately, at the beginning some of you fails to save the money. In this regard, you have several question in your mind that are
How To Save Money Properly
How To Manage Personal Finance
Managing Bills And Money
Best Way To Manage Personal Finances
Nowadays, a person who belongs to any profession, is being facing lots of financial problems. The problems is due to several facts such as increasing prices of daily routine things, children school’s fees and other expenditures like electricity & gas bills. If you are really facing this problem then recite duas from quan. You never count real blessings by these most powerful duas. Read also collection of 40 beautiful duas.
To sort out these financial problems and live a happy life, the man performed extra job for earning extra money. Moreover, in Asia, the number of working women are also increasing day by day for fulfill all the necessity expenditures.
To meet all the expenditures in good manner without performing extra job, we have a super effective spiritual process for this. Mr. Laiq Ahmad told itechnhealth.com about his experience regarding the same. He told us that he had completed said process only within 21 days and after performing of the same, he surprised to see that all the financial problems were solved automatically. After few months, he became rich than past days.
The duration needs for this process is 21 days. Perform this process after Magrib Prayer. On very first Sunday of any of Islamic month, start this process. Recite 7 times Darood.e.Ibrahimi in start and end of this process. Now recite Sorah Fateha (AL-HAMD Shareef) 70 times. This is the process for one day. Similarly on next day recite 6 times Darood.e.Ibrahimi in beginning and at end and recite 60 time Sorah Fateha. Now decrease 10 times recitation of Sorah ALhamdulilah on next coming days till Saturday.
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