Improve your knowledge about Ism e Azam with free Ism e Azam book. Get an online PDF copy book of Ism e Azam read about Ism e Azam meaning and all detail about these Allah Names. A total of 84 pages and PDF file size is 36.8 MB. All books gift for visitors. In this book you can find complete detail about Ism e Azam In Urdu, Ism e Azam Meaning In Urdu, Ism Benefits In Urdu, Ism Azam Ki Fazilat.
According to hadish there are a 99 names of Allah Pak. Thus the exact list is not agreed upon, and the names of Allah exceed a total of 99 in the Quran and Hadish. According to Islamic rules, a Muslim men kind may not be given any of the 99 names of Allah in exactly the same name of Allah Pak. For example, nobody may be named Al-Aziz (The Almighty), but may be named Aziz (almighty).
This is because of the belief that Allah is almighty, and no human being is the equivalent of Allah Pak, and no human being will ever be the equivalent of Allah. Muslims are allowed to use the 99 names of Allah Pak for themselves but should not put ‘Al’ at the front of them.
Narrated Abu Huraira: Prophet Muhammad SAW said, “Allah has ninety-nine names, i.e. one-hundred minus one, and whoever knows them will go to Paradise.” (Sahih Al-Bukhari – Book 50 Hadith 894).
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