Natural Ways To Cleanse Smokers Lungs

Natural Ways To Cleanse Smokers Lungs

Lungs are the most ignored part of our body. Lungs are exposed to killer pollutants and microbes that get deposited from the air we inhale. In the case of smokers, their healthy pink lungs turn black with the deposition of tar in their lungs. Nicotine and tobacco smoke inhibit lung functions and also put them at risk for lung cancer.  Regular detoxification of lungs will help in smooth functioning and help in the expulsion of toxins. The best way for a lung detox is to quit smoking as quickly as possible.

Natural Ways To Cleanse Lungs

Here are some natural ways to cleanse the lungs.

Use Of Green Tea To Cleanse Lungs

Green tea contains many antioxidants that may help reduce inflammation in the lungs. These compounds may even protect lung tissue from the harmful effects of smoke inhalation. To clean your lungs, drink a cup of herbal green tea before bed to release toxins in the intestine that can lead to constipation. Refrain from overloading your lungs with tedious work during this purification process.

Use Of Green Tea To Cleanse Lungs

In a glass of warm water, add a 1/3 cup of lemon juice and drink it before breakfast. You can also drink a glass of pineapple or cranberry juice instead of lemon juice for lung cleansing.

Use Of Anti-Inflammatory Foods To Cleanse Lungs

Eating anti-inflammatory foods can reduce inflammation to relieve these symptoms. Drink at least 300 ml of carrot juice between breakfast and lunch for the detox lungs. Oranges, Banana, Carrots, Tomatoes, Figs, Dates, and Berries are all rich in potassium and can aid in lung cleanse.

Use Of Carrot Juice To Cleanse Lungs

Carrot juice will help clean your lungs from tar. Drink 300 ml of carrot juice between breakfast and lunch for cleanse lungs.

How To Clean Lungs From Tar In Urdu

How To Clean Lungs From Tar In Urdu

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