Tips To Treat Allergy Using Natural Remedies

Tips To Treat Allergy Using Natural Remedies

What is an allergy? This strong reaction of our immune system factors, which are generally not harmful to health, however, the immune system sees them as a threat, perceive them as viruses and bacteria. What could cause such a reaction? pollen, animal dander, mold, dust, detergents and many other environmental factors. Allergies should not be underestimated, because some allergic reactions can result both for the child and the adult is very tragic. If you feel a strange tingling sensation, you can not breathe in the face, neck, arms, suddenly begins to form edema – immediately call an ambulance. It is likely, anaphylactic shock, a severe allergic reaction that can occur, for example, after a bee sting.

How to Treat  Allergy Using Natural Remedies

1. Anti Allergic Plants

What quickly helps with allergies? First, we should consider the options that nature gives us. Many plants have anti allergic actions. For example, the common nettle extract (capsules of nettle leaves are available in health food stores or pharmacies), dark grapes (contains Quercetin), an extract of Ginkgo biloba (Ginkgo biloba), which is also good for the mental performance, concentration.

2. Omega-3 Reduce Allergic Reaction

It is widely known that the omega-3 found in fish, reduce inflammation caused by allergic reactions. Omega-3 is found in large amounts in marine fish: it’s sardines, tuna, herring, mackerel. If you, for some reason, do not like fish, you can buy in a pharmacy capsules containing omega-3. Another substitute for fish oil is flax seed, which we can add, for example, in a salad or use 1 dessert spoon 1 time per day during the meal.

3. Clean The Entire Apartment

Maintaining clean apartments, regular removal of dust, laundry, vacuuming and washing carpets, airing premises – this is a very important step in the fight against allergies. Subtle household mites really are everywhere. To get rid of them, we have to take care of the cleanliness 2 times a year, thoroughly clean the entire apartment, cleaned all the furniture and utensils from the unused dust.

4. Use Allergens Air Filters

It is also the source of our allergy can be hair, saliva, dander, dust our pet. This does not mean that we have to part with them, but it is necessary to adhere to certain rules to care for them. First of all – pet should not sleep in our bed. At least once a week, bathe your pet, comb their hair. If necessary, allergies should use air filters that are struggling with allergens from the air.

 You can also read my Post about Allergies 

How to Treat Flu, Allergies & Sore Throats with Homeopathy

Tips To Treat Allergy Using Natural Remedies

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