The Natural Way to Black Your Hair Without Any Hair Colors

The Natural Way to Black Your Hair Without Any Hair Colors

Everyone thinks that if the hair becomes white so they cannot be black again and for this purpose people uses different types of hair colors. But today we tell you how to black your white hair again.

Natural Remedy For Black Hair

1- Linseed oil 200 grams

2- 4 Lemons

3- Three garlic pieces

4- Honey 1 kilogram

How To Use Natural Remedy For Black Hair

Grind lemon and garlic well, now put linseed oil and honey and grind well. Take this mixture in any type of jar and close it tightly and put this mixture into fridge. Take one spoon of this mixture 30 minutes before every meal. And note that use wooden spoon for this purpose. The mixture will not only strong and dark your hair when you use this trice a day, but also make you healthy.

Natural Remedy For Black Hair In Urdu

Natural Remedy For Black Hair In Urdu

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The Natural Way to Black Your Hair Without Any Hair Colors- Black Your Hair- Black Your Hair Without Any Hair Colors- Natural Way to Black Your Hair Without Any Hair Colors- Natural Remedy For Black Hair

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