Make Joints pain back pain instant relief remedy in home at cost of 5 Rupees only. Get joint pain back pain instant relief in just few seconds. Pain relief process contains on two simple steps. At initial stage, pain will move or travel from one place to another. At second stage, joints pain back pain instant relief completely end with only 5 rupees home remedy.
The main causes behind joints pain and back pain is body weakness and age factor. According to a recent survey report, there are 08 out of 10 peoples with age of 40 plus suffered from joints and back pain. The patients only have to bear lot of expenditures on costly medicines.
Two simple stages for instant relief joints pain back pain described briefly in below.
Stage 1 (Pain Movement)
Stage 2 (End of Pain)
Take plaster from any medical store which is near by you. Nowadays, the price for one plaster is approximately 5 to 10 rupees in local market. Use this plaster on the portion where you have to feel pain. Leave the same for 1 hour. After the said time period, you have to feel that pain will move from plaster portion to another. This is successful end of first stage.
Now, when you have to feel that pain was move from plaster portion to another, use the plaster on that portion. Now leave the same for 10 minutes approximately. If pain will move next portion then repeat the 2nd stage process again. If pain will never move, then after 10 minutes remove the plaster carefully.
See the blood on last portion of skin, where you feel the pain. The blood was seen as clots at pain portion. The final step is required to extract that blood clots. The pain will suddenly end by extracting that blood clots.
The following are some extra tips to get joints pain back pain instant relief;
Eat Date (Dried) 02 numbers may release back pain.
Mixture of Ginger juice and Ghee in early morning also reduce back pain.
Fenugreek is one of the best natural gift for relief of back pain.
Take one tablespoon of Lemon juice and one tablespoon of Garlic Juice. Insert both of juices into 02 tablespoon of water. Take it in morning as well as in evening. This is ever best remedy for Joints pain back pain instant relief.
Eat Dew Gram for regularly to avoid joints pain back pain.
If your joints may swelled then paste of fresh potato is one of the best healer for you. Just past fresh potato paste on swelled joints pain back pain position. No more swelling be observed in future.
You weight can have a big impact on back pain and joint pain. Extra weight puts more pressure on joints and back bone, especially knees, hips and feet. Losing weight can help to get rid quickly from back bone, joint pain, prevent future damage to all body joints and improve your mobility.
Arthritis exercise can help you to manage your weight, keep your joints flexible, strengthen muscles around your joints which give more support to your back bone. You can do many types of arthritis exercise such as walking, cycling and swimming.
Heat and cold therapy can also helpful to relieve arthritis pain. Heat therapy includes taking a long warm bath in morning and evening. Cold therapy can give relieve joint pain and swelling around your hands, knees and feet. Cold therapy includes a bag of frozen vegetables in a towel and apply it to painful joints. Remember never try to apply ice directly to the skin.
A healthy diet include diet that fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, and dry fruit that can boost your immune system and your overall health.
Currcumin is a yellow chemical produced by plants of the Curcuma long species. Curcumin is member of ginger family. It has antioxidant and anti inflammatory properties. Research shows that use of turmeric or curcumin can help reduce arthritis pain, joints pain and back pain. High doses of turmeric and currcumin are not beneficial for long term.
Body massage can manage joint pain and back pain. For better result you could ask a physical therapist to give you massage who has experience in treating people with arthritis.
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