Biss key is a code to unlock scrambled channels on the satellite dish. To enter Biss keys into your satellite receivers, different methods are for different receivers. Sometimes you need to refresh your satellite receiver after adding Biss keys to view scrambled channels. Some old receivers do not have Biss key option.
All latest receivers of Echolink, Echostar, Star Track, Sat Track, Neosat, Discovery, Super Lazer, Starmax, SuperMax, Galaxy etc. If keys are not working, look again to other settings such as SID, degrees, system etc.
We get keys from open sources and these are for educational purposes only. If anybody has any reservation about the provided data contact us, we will review our information.
Here I am sharing Latest Astra 4A All Biss Keys Channels @ 4.8°E. Update 2019. Astra 4A All Biss Keys Channels @ 4.8°E.. Latest Biss key, frequency, symbol rate, polarity & other settings of all Biss Key on Astra 4A All Biss Keys Channels @ 4.8°E.
Below is the list of all Biss Keys channels with frequency, symbol rate etc. We will always update the list as new ones are available or the Biss Keys changed so keep visiting this site.
Frequency Symbol Rate Channels Biss Keys / ID
11747 V 30000 Test (ТЕТ) FF FF FF FD FF FF FF FD / ID:1DF1
11747 V 30000 Test (2+2)? FF FF FF FD FF FF FF FD / ID:1DE7
11766 H 27500 ТЕТ 19 09 06 00 11 76 60 00 / ID:17DE
11766 H 27500 2+2? 09 02 19 24 63 23 06 8C / ID:17E8
11766 H 27500 1+1 International 1A 2B 3C 00 4D 5E 6F 00 / ID:17ED
12073 H 27500 TRK Ukraine А5 EB 22 00 57 6F 50 00 /ID:19AF
12130 V 27500 TRK Ukraine А5 EB 22 00 57 6F 50 00 /ID:19D2
12130 V 27500 34 channel (Mpeg4) А5 EB 22 00 57 6F 75 00 /ID:1A0E
12130 V 27500 UFO TV А5 EB 22 00 57 6F 25 00 /ID:1A18
12130 V 27500 Indigo TV А5 EB 22 00 57 6F 25 00 /ID:1A22
12265 H 30000 The Epoch (Mpeg4) A1 B2 C3 00 C3 B2 A1 00 /ID:1E21
12265 H 30000 Dacha (Mpeg4) AA BB CC 00 CC BB AA 00 /ID:1E20
12265 H 30000 Movie UA Drama 38 04 45 81 36 94 01 00 /ID:1E25
12265 H 30000 Test (Mpeg4)? 65 43 21 C9 65 43 21 C9 / ID:1E2A
12265 H 30000 1+1_ASO 65 43 21 C9 12 34 56 9C / ID:1E15
12265 H 30000 TET_ASO 19 09 06 28 11 76 60 E7 / ID:1E16
12284 V 27500 Nadia TV (Mpeg4) 11 22 33 00 44 55 66 00 / ID:1B03
12399 V 27500 Inter AC 12 34 F2 43 21 CA 2E / ID:1C8E
12399 V 27500 NTN AC 12 34 F2 43 21 CA 2E / ID:1C98
12399 V 27500 Inter (Mpeg4) 12 34 AC 00 12 34 AC 00 / ID:1CDE
Astra 4A All Biss Keys Channels @ 4.8°E.
Latest Astra 4A All Biss Keys Channels @ 4.8°E.
Latest Astra 4A All Biss Keys Channels @ 4.8°E.
Asiasat 7 HD Channel List with Frequency Symbol Rates @ 105.5°E
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