Here you can find Jazz Monthly Internet Basic Package detail. How to Subscribe and what is the cost of Jazz Monthly Internet Basic Package.
Jazz customer can subscribe to the Jazz Monthly Package by dialing *117*71#. This bundle offers 25 GB of data (15 GB 1 a.m – 9 a.m) for 30 days. The price of the daily package is Rs. 999/- (incl. of all taxes). You can check the remaining data by dialing *117*71*2#.
The Jazz Monthly Internet Basic Package detail is given below:-
You can unsubscribe Jazz monthly basic package by dialing *117*77*4#.
The bundles will not auto subscribe.
Internet bundles can be availed and consumed in 2G, 3G and 4G networks
For Recharge and Bundle subscription, users can visit nearest jazz retailer or use dial code from Data SIM
Dedicated MB quota for night usage (1am-9am) will be consumed first, once night quota is consumed MB usage will be done from quota available for 24hrs.
PAYG & Overage charging in not allowed DATA SIM, customers need to subscribe bundles for uninterrupted internet connectivity
On re-subscription within bundle validity, any remaining MBs will be added & validity will be as per new bundle
Multiple subscriptions of 3 month & 6 month bundle are not allowed, users can simultaneously subscribe to any other bundle
In case of 3 & 6 Month bundle, volume quota will not be carried forward from one 30day cycle to another, i.e any remaining MBs will expire after every cycle
Actual internet speed will depend on multiple factors like device, web pages accessed, time of day, number of simultaneous users, distance from site etc.
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Ufone Internet Packages Code Monthly Internet Packages-Ufone Social Monthly Offer Code
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