Prohibited Microwave Oven Meals are those meals which may risky after the warming process in Microwave Oven.
Microwave oven is an instrument which is use almost daily in our kitchen. In other words, kitchen looks incomplete without having Microwave oven in it. Whenever we demands to warm or bake some foods, we use oven. However, through our reliable sources and a recent survey, it was reported that some of foods could be dangerous and risky for health after warm these in oven.
A number of peoples does not have any idea about “how to use of Microwave Oven”. They only knows the basic rules of its operational procedure. In actual, operational procedure is differ and vary with respect to foods. An individual, who is operating the microwave oven should must know about all the precautions as well as its operational procedure prior to use it.
Some of people things that microwave is only for warming foods. Any food could be warm in seconds in microwave. However, it is against reality. We are sharing with our visitors about some of foods list which are not for oven.
Some people wants to boil eggs in microwave oven. They dip eggs in water at place it in oven. This is so dangerous. Eggs needs a constant temperature for a certain & specific time to boil correctly. When we want the same result from oven, bacteria’s and other viruses could be in such cases. The same is risky with respect to health point of view.
To melt the frozen meat on urgent basis, some of people are also use Microwave Oven. Just like egg boiling process, a number of bacteria’s could be reside in meat during melt process. So, melting of frozen foods such like meat is too much risky with respect to health point of view.
During warming process through oven, a number of people is also use Plastic made materials. This is also so risky and dangerous. During warming process, the microwaves shall break plastic edges, which may include in foods. Eat of plastic or fiber included foods is dangerous. So, always use the right and suitable material for food warming in oven.
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