A lot of time during the day, we spend on the legs. An adult makes a day from ten thousand steps approximately. It is therefore not surprising that we have at the end of the day is sometimes sore feet and the legs may ache for obvious reasons. Such as ringworm, corns and ingrown nails into the skin. The main causes of leg pain can be various, from uncomfortable shoes, arthritis and diabetes, etc. Mostly the cause of discomfort can be uncomfortable or tired ordinary shoes. In this case, the best remedy is cold or warm water massage. Also, you can buy special messages for the feet.
1- Fill a bowl with cold water and sit down on a chair, place your feet in a bowl of cold water. After five minutes Transfer feet in hot water. Repeat this procedure several times. Such water massage causes constriction and dilation of blood vessels, improves blood circulation in the legs.
2- Essential oils are used for the treatment of feet in ancient times. Fill a bowl with hot water and add the two drops of peppermint oil and eucalyptus oil. Dip your feet in a bowl and keep them for ten minutes. If you have no essential oils at home, you can use a very strong cup of mint tea, diluting it in water. In a bowl of warm water, add fifteen grams of tincture of Arnica Montana. Substances contained in the tincture improve blood circulation and bring almost instant relief.
3- You can try exercises for the feet, Lay on the floor a few pencils and try to raise their toes. This simple exercise brings quick relief to aching feet. Squeeze toes strong. Then try against the resistance of gum to stretch your fingers and hold them in this position for five seconds. Exercise repeat ten times with each leg.
4- If you feel pain in the morning, this may indicate inflammation of the plantar fascia, which connects the heel bone and toes. To reduce the pain, pull the tendon of Achilles. Stand three feet from the wall. Put your hands on the wall, then move the right leg forward, bending the knee. Keep your left leg vertically without lifting your heels off the floor. You should feel tension on the arc of the foot and heel. Hold as ten seconds, then change legs.
5- As often as possible, wear shoes, even if you do not exercise. Sports shoes have an elastic structure does not inhibit, but at the same time supports the arch of the foot. If you do not like these shoes, then buy, at least in shoes with thick soles. Remember that buy shoes in the afternoon, when the feet are a little swollen.
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