Daily eat fruits that are rich in vitamin C, If you want to maintain a healthy and bright complexion such as kiwifruit, strawberries, cherries and tomatoes etc. Some healthiest fruits such as apples, pineapple, berry, watermelon and mangoes should be eaten as part of a healthy diet. These fruit can improves heart health, reduces inflammation, boosts your immune system and make skin whitening & glowing.
Give your skin a boost by including the following foods into your daily diet plan.
1. Oranges are a huge source of natural vitamin C and therefore, they are one of the most effective fruits you can eat to brighten up a dull complexion.
2. An apple a day, keeps the doctor away’, stands true for your skin as well.
3. Watermelon is rich in Vitamins A,B and C that benefit your body and have a great benefits for your skin and brighten up your complexion to boost your overall glow.
4. Fatty fish, such as salmon, mackerel, and herring, are excellent foods for healthy skin and can help your skin to look supple and radiant.
5. Avocados are high in healthy vitiman that are useful to boost skin blowing process.
6. Milk no doubt falls under the list that is necessary for healthy skin.
7. According to skin specialist Aloe Vera can work magic on one’s skin and it can cure pimples on face.
8. Freeze beetroot juice into ice cubes to reduce pimple size and brighten up skin tone.
9. You can add squeeze in some lemon juice and add rose water as well for skin glowing.
10. Fruit like Avocados, Walnuts, Sunflower Seeds, Carrots, Soybeans, Sweet potatoes, Tomatoes, Lemons, Mangoes, Strawberry, Cucumbers and Pomegranate are best for glowing skin in summer.
11. Use Honey for inner beauty, Lemons to fight dullness and Coconut oil to moisturize and beetroot for glowing skin.
Take One teaspoon of beetroot juice.
One tablespoon of sour cream
Mix them together.
Massage the face-pack and let it dry for about 20-25 minutes.
After 25 minutes, rinse it off using normal water.
Apply this remedy twice a week for better results.
Cut off ¼ of a cucumber and place it in a blender.
Blend the cucumber until it’s slightly chunky.
Wash your face and neck with warm water and an oil-free cleanser to remove makeup and open pores.
Apply the cucumber mash directly to the skin on your face, neck.
You can use this remedy on skin as a facial moisturizer, take the inside of an avocado peel and massage it on your face. Leave the residue on for about 15-20 minutes, then rinse the face with warm water.
Tomatoes can repair damaged skin and restore its natural, healthy glow. Its acidic and astringent properties make it an excellent ingredient for women with oily and acne prone skin. They are full of enzymes that help in getting rid of dead skin cells. Apply tomato mash directly on your face and rinse it after a while for glowing skin. It can also work perfectly to lighten the skin and clear dark spots on skin.
Bottle gourd is rich in iron, vitamins, and potassium. And have antioxidants properties, it can do wonders to your skin, lending it a healthy glow. You can apply the bottle gourd juice on your face and neck area for beautiful skin.
Lauki juice is rich in minerals, antioxidants and vitamins that can do wonders to your skin, lending it a healthy glow. It can helps to slow down cell ageing and prevents wrinkles from appearing on the face and hands. You can drink the Lauki juice and also apply it on your face and neck area for beautiful skin.
Cucumber is full with skin benefiting vitamins and nutrients, it can soothe most types of skin irritations. Place slices of cucumber on your skin and lie down for 10-15 minutes. It does make skin glow and bright. Also, it has anti-inflammatory properties that help to improve the appearance of large pores and acne which makes your skin glow.
Avocado has several essential antioxidants and vitamins including vitamins A, C and E that can help nurture your skin and give a natural glow. Nutrients init can help boost the production of collagen, soothe inflammation and lift away old skin cells. Produce new cells and restores natural collagen and the end result is a younger and fresher look with no visible wrinkles or fine lines on face and hands. It also have antioxidants that fight against the appearance of dark spots.
You must avoid to eat below listed foods to get glowing skin these types of foods are bad for your skin.
Deep-Fried Foods.
Carbonated Beverages/Soda.
Salty Foods.
Spicy Foods.
Best Fruits For Glowing Skin In Summer- Best Food For Skin In Summer -diet for glowing skin in 3 days-food for glowing skin in a month-fruits to apply on face for glow-diet for glowing skin in 10 days-fruits for glowing skin in summer-fruits for glowing skin and weight loss-foods to avoid for glowing skin-best food for skin-best foods for keeping your skin healthy- Best Fruits For Glowing Skin In Summer- Use Of Avocado For Glowing Skin- Use Of Cucumber For Glowing Skin- Use Of Bottle Gourd For Glowing Skin- Use Tomato For Glowing Skin- Beetroot Juice Home Remedy For Glowing Skin- Home Remedy For Glowing Skin
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