Health Benefits Of Watermelon and When Not To Eat Watermelon

Health Benefits Of Watermelon and When Not To Eat Watermelon
Health Benefits Of Watermelon and When Not To Eat Watermelon

Watermelon is rich in amino acid that may help move blood through your body and can lower your blood pressure. Some studies show that it may also lower your risk of heart attacks.  Here we tell you top 15 benefits of watermelon.

Top 15 Health Benefits Of Watermelon

1. Watermelon is a natural diuretic which helps increase the flow of urine but does not strain the kidneys.

2. Watermelon is moderately rich in carbs and low in fiber, a combination that can cause blood sugar levels to spike. 

3. Watermelon is rich in Vitamins A,B and C  that benefit your body and have a great benefits for your skin and brighten up your complexion to boost your overall glow.

4. Watermelon is safe for people with diabetes to eat, this food contain plenty of nutritious fats, fiber, and protein.

5. Watermelon contains an amino acid which may help to manage high blood pressure helps the body to produce nitric oxide a gas that relaxes blood vessels and encourages flexibility in arteries.

6. Watermelon is very high in potassium plus it is rich in fiber, manganese, vitamin C, and bromelain, an enzyme that helps reduce inflammation.

7. Watermelon contains fiber, a nutrient that is well known for improving digestive health and promotes bowel regularity and the growth of healthy gut bacteria.

8. Watermelon may trigger headache attacks in migraine patients within a few minutes.

9. Watermelon may helps in easing out the Urinary Tract Infections (UTI) as its regular consumption reduces the fatigue on the kidneys when our body eliminates excess fluids. It may kill all the bacteria and fungi, which makes it effective to cure UTI.

10. Watermelon packed with nutrients and helps you to stay hydrated.

11. Watermelon can have anticancer effects.

12. Watermelon can improve heart health.

13. Watermelon can reduce inflammation and oxidative stress.

14. Watermelon can help prevent macular degeneration.

15. Watermelon can relieve muscle soreness.

Which People Should Not Eat Watermelon And Why

Although watermelon helps to balance body heat and good for health but it can cause imbalance in the mouth and phlegm due to cooling. Due to which its use can make the situation worse in some issues such as if you are suffering from cold and cough, inflammation of the throat, high fever, asthma and allergies.

Disadvantages Of Eating Watermelon

Some common side effects of watermelon are listed below.

1. Watermelon can lead to diarrhea and other digestive troubles.

2. Watermelon can increase blood sugar level.

3. Watermelon can increase risk of liver inflammation.

4. Watermelon can cause water intoxication.

5. Watermelon can cause cardiovascular troubles.

6. Excessive consumption of watermelons can cause symptoms like nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, bloating, gas and indigestion.

When Not To Eat Watermelon?  

It is recommended to not consume watermelons at night right before going to bed. Watermelon is slightly acidic and if consumed at night, it may delay the process of digestion when the body is inactive.

People with too much potassium in their blood should probably not consume more than 1 cup of watermelon a day. Due to its high water and acidic content could trouble your digestion, bowel irritation and lead to stomach troubles.

Health Benefits Of Watermelon In Urdu

Health Benefits Of Watermelon 1

Benefits Of Eating Watermelon

Benefits Of Eating Watermelon

Which People Should Not Eat Watermelon

Which people should not eat watermelon

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Health Benefits Of Watermelon and When Not To Eat Watermelon-Health Benefits Of Watermelon-When Not To Eat Watermelon-Which people should not eat watermelon-top 10 health benefits of watermelon-when not to eat watermelon-benefits of watermelon-benefits of watermelon on empty stomach-is eating watermelon at night good for weight loss-watermelon side effects-can we eat watermelon at night-watermelon benefits

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