Clean pimples and black spots from your face by using these masks. Especially for sensitive skin. It should not be too much to touch the affected skin during the day, do not scratch or squeeze pimples. It is best to use paper towels instead of the usual, or more often to change them for fresh ones. And it is worth remembering that all domestic methods of dealing with acne can be effective only if the regular and prolonged use. The older generation can recommend a mask against wrinkles. And for people with problem skin or oily and combination. When the skin disease acne is recommended to drink chamomile tea and normal green tea. Chamomile is soothing properties, while green tea cleans the body.
Take one teaspoon ground cinnamon, one tablespoon breed Cold mineral water. The resulting “much” causes acne for five minutes, Rinse with warm water. If after washing off the mask and the skin feel more burning is not recommended for further use. The mask has a strong antiseptic effect.
Take two onions, purify, wash, fill with water and cook for twenty to twenty five minutes. Then knead or chop onions blender until a “slurry”. All consistency applied to the pimples for fifteen minutes. Wash off with warm water.
3- Boiled potato mash with, wait for cool down and as such cause acne. It is desirable to leave in the face of the night. Wash off with warm water. Starch astringent action.
Two tablespoon breed of potato starch in half a glass of warm boiled water. The resulting texture puts on acne for twenty minutes, then wash off.
Grated cucumber applied to the face and waits twenty minutes, and rinse with boiled water. Recommended for regular use!
A protein with a whisk egg in foam. Add one teaspoon lemon juice. The prepared foam washed, put on face for fifteen to twenty minutes. At the time of holding the mask is recommended to go with a towel under his head, as of protein foam under heat to dissolve and begin to flow. Wash off with warm water. Chicken protein has astringent and cleansing properties, it is not recommended to put a mask on the area around the eyes.
Take a mid-size ripe tomatoes, peeled, whisk in a blender with two tablespoons natural yoghurt. You can also add one teaspoon glycerol. Apply on face for ten minutes. Wash off with warm water as usual. This mask has antibacterial properties, improves complexion. Use two times per week.
Two tablespoon flakes to add two tablespoons the warmed milk and mix thoroughly. Apply on face for twenty minutes. Thoroughly wash off with boiled water.
Coffee not only tastes great, but also helps to get rid of cellulite, as well as a positive effect on the appearance of your skin. The remains of brewed coffee can be used as a scrub. It has a smoothing effect, it contained caffeine has a stimulating effect on blood circulation, which positively affects the appearance of the skin.
Take one tablespoon bran, one tablespoon milk and honey, all mixed together. Apply on the face with soft massage movements for three to five minutes. Wash off with warm, preferably boiled water. With regular use, you will become the owner of a beautiful, smooth and soft skin.
10 Natural Remedies For Pimples And Black Spots On Face- Honey Remedy For Pimples And Black Spots On Face- Coffee Remedy For Pimples And Black Spots On Face- Milk Remedy For Pimples And Black Spots On Face- Remedy For Pimples And Black Spots- Lemon Juice Remedy For Pimples And Black Spots On Face- Cucumber Remedy For Pimples And Black Spots- Cinnamon Remedy For Pimples-health tips of the day-general health tips-daily health tips-health tips-natural health tips-simple health tips-tips for good health-healthy tips for good health-natural health remedies-home remedies for health problems-natural remedies-natural home remedies-home remedies for everything
Wazifa For Removing Pimples-Keel Mohasay Khatam Karne Ka Tarika
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