Importance of Sunlight for Human body

Sunlight for Human body
Importance of Sunlight for Human body

This article is about Importance of Sunlight for Human body, and also describe what says doctor about sunbath and how much one can take a sunbath in a day.

What is Sunlight

Sunlight is the light and energy that comes from the Sun. sunlight is actually solar radiation. It is the radiation and heat from the Sun in the form of  electromagnetic waves.Without sunlight, there could be no life on Earth.Plants need sunlight for the process of photosynthesis. During photosynthesis the plants use the energy  of the sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide , to create glucose. The glucose can later be used by the plant for energy or animals  eat the plant and the glucose in it. Plants need sunlight to grow green. Without enough sunlight but with enough water, the plant grows very tall very quickly, but looks yellow and dehydrated, although when touched, the leaves are very moist.

 Sunlight for Human body

The best-known benefit of sunlight is its ability to boost the body’s vitamin D supply; most cases of vitamin D deficiency are due to lack of outdoor sun exposure.

Unlike other essential vitamins, which must be obtained from food, vitamin D can be synthesized in the skin through a photosynthetic reaction triggered by exposure to UVB radiation. The efficiency of production depends on the number of UVB photons that penetrate the skin, a process that can be curtailed by clothing, excess body fat, sunscreen, and the skin pigment melanin.

What Says Doctors about Sunbath.

Doctors throughout Europe and North America began promoting whole-body sun-bathing to help prevent rickets. It was also recognized that wintertime sunlight in the temperate zone was too feeble to prevent rickets. For this reason, many children were exposed to UVR from a mercury or carbon arc lamp for one hour three times a week, which proved to be an effective preventive measure and treatment.

Skin Cancer

Skin cancer is associated with too much UVR exposure, other cancers could result from too little.

How much time take sunbath

It depend on country most Asian countries about 15-20 minutes is enough to take sunbath.


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