Sorah Yaseen is heart of the Holy Quran. There are 7 times when the word “Mubeen” comes in Sorah Yaseen. You may found almost same method of Sorah Yaseen Wazifa through different resources. However, the procedure that we are describing below is unique and different by other ones. Most important feature of this method is that desires comes true every time with only one time of process of this great Sorah Yaseen Wazifa. You may call it Sorah Yaseen 7 Mubeen Wazifa. However, it is a different in its procedure.
Self cleaning includes dress cleaning. Your dress should be neat and clean every time. Like dress, you complete body will also be cleared. Allah loves the persons who have clean body and dress.
Heart without jealousy Feeling is one of the great gift from ALLAH. Always show your warm wishes to your loving ones. Due to this, they may connect you and like your personality. On the other hand, if you show jealousy with friends and family, they have a negative image always in their mind. Resultantly, you don’t get real love and care response from themselves.
Soul has a beautiful connection with our ALLAH. Nobody may neglect a positive wave while doing a wrong job. A forbidding call always received while doing an illegal act. Ignorance of the same is another problem.
You should a duty performer. For this purpose look about your responsibilities as well. The duty assigned to you is based on two different types. One has its connection with ALLAH. While other have connected with humans. So, try to be a duty performer.
Sorah Yaseen Wazifa may fulfills your lot of desires. Some of them enlisted below:-
To get a desired job as per your qualification, perform this procedure with complete faith on ALLAH. You would be wondered to see your selection letter from that company where you may want to get desired job.
Even earning a lot of, some of us are unable to fulfill his desires. In this scenario, you just required to follow this unique wazifa only one time. In result, you may see a magical effect and your income will be then becomes double and triple in short time of period.
Shadi (marriage) is sometimes not possible due to any reason. Follow this wazifa just 02 or 3 times on Friday to get a desired proposal for you.
Problem occur when someone love to girl and want to get married. Unfortunately, her parents are not agreed for your proposal. In order to accept your proposal, just follow the Sorah Yaseen Wazifa given in below;
Recite 3 times Sorah Yaseen as per following procedure;
i. Sorah Ikhlaas(03 times) when you reach on first Mubeen.
ii. Sorah Kosar(03 times) when you reach on second Mubeen.
iii. Sorah Alam-Nashrah (03 times) when you reach on third Mubeen.
iv. Sorah Fatiha (03 times) when you reach on fourth Mubeen.
v. Darood-Ibrahimi (03 times) when you reach on Fifth Mubeen.
vi. Following Prayer (03 times) when you reach on Sixth Mubeen.
vii. Following Prayer (07 times) when you reach on last and Seventh Mubeen.
Surah Yaseen Wazifa for Rizq-Surah Yaseen Wazifa for Rizq, Wazifa For Shadi Love Marriage-Wazifa For Job – 7 Mubeen wazifa- Sorah Yaseen Wazifa- Sorah Yaseen Wazifa for Job- Sorah Yaseen Wazifa for Rizq- Sorah Yaseen Wazifa for Shadi- Sorah Yaseen Wazifa for Love Marriage- Recite 3 times Sorah Yaseen
Larki Ki Shadi K Lehe Wazifa | Jaldi Rishta Aane Ka Wazifa | Acha Rishta Aane Ki Dua
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