Babies have a natural reflex to suck, and many find it comforting to suck their thumb or fingers even before birth. Studies into how babies grow and develop inside the uterus have shown that they can suck their fingers as early as 15 weeks of the pregnancy, with some babies being born with ‘sucking blisters’ on their hand, wrist or arm. Many babies sucking their thumbs, thumb sucking is a natural instinct. Because infants associate sucking with pleasure, they continue the habit throughout toddler hood. The urge to thumb suck usually decreases after six months of age, but many babies continue to suck their thumbs to soothe themselves, when they feel hungry, afraid, restless, quiet, sleepy or even just bored.
Many children suck their thumb only at certain times, like when they are falling asleep or riding in the car. Others do it for comfort when they are hurt or upset. In many cases, they might not even be aware that they are sucking their thumb. Small kids suck their thumb to find comfort and sometimes, for inducing sleep as well. In rare cases, thumb sucking after five years old is in response to an emotional problem or other disorder, such as anxiety. Getting children to stop at an early age is necessary and the American Dental Association recommends stopping thumb sucking and pacifier sucking early so to not affect the teeth, palate and jaw. If your child sucks his thumb then here, you will find useful information concerning this dreaded habit as well as tips and tricks to make it stop.
Thumb Sucking problem increases when the child enters an age when permanent teeth start coming out. Constant thumb sucking may result affect the roof of child mouth adversely. Thumb-sucking can sometimes affect a child’s bite, the alignment of their teeth. In some cases, it is noticed that thumb suckers are considered less intelligent. There are chances of the development of some infections in the thumb nail as well.
Here are some remedies that may be help to you stop thumb sucking habits in children. Thumb sucking habit developed over years and cannot expect it to vanish in a while.
Babies tend to exhibit the sucking behavior most when they are tired, bored or need comforting. The best ways to stop thumb sucking habits is to engage your child in a ‘two-hand involved activity’. This may include hugging a cuddly soft toy, reading a book, or playing his favorite game on Smartphone.
Children often dislike the taste of lime juice so, apply lots of lime juice on your child’s thumb this will help to stop thumb sucking habit.
A thumb that is covered will not feel or taste the same as a bare thumb, and this is often enough to stop many children’s thumb sucking. Try a finger cot, a small finger puppet, or a thumb guard.
Try some other things that may help to stop thumb sucking. Give your child lollipops, candies, or mint balls every time he feels like putting his thumb into his mouth.
Give verbal praise to your child for not sucking their thumb. At the end of a week with no thumb sucking, give your child a small reward or prize or a small toy. At the end of a month, offer a larger reward, perhaps a special outing. To earn reward your child gives up thumb sucking habit gradually.
To find tool to help children break the habit of thumb sucking your can visit the website given below.
http://www. Thumbuddytolove.com/
How To Stop Thumb Sucking- Remedies for Thumb Sucking- Effects Of Thumb Sucking- Remedies To Stop Thumb Sucking- Thumb Sucking Habits In Children-Thumb Sucking Tools- Lime Juice Remedy to Stop Thumb Sucking
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