MS Excel Learning Classes – I

September 11, 2016 admin 0

What is Excel?   Microsoft Excel is an electronic spreadsheet program. You might of heard the terms “spreadsheet” and “worksheet”. People generally use them interchangeably. To remain consistent with Microsoft {Read More}

Viruses for Tablets and Smart phones

September 9, 2016 admin 0

Viruses for Tablets and Smart phones There are even viruses for tablets and smart phones. The four most popular small-form-factor programming environments are Android, Windows CE, Java, and Symbian. These {Read More}

Use of Technology in the Classroom

September 8, 2016 admin 0

Use of Technology in the Classroom Technology could be a perfect tool for learning in classroom. Children are capable of handling these latest technology devices. Integrating Technology in the classroom {Read More}



September 5, 2016 admin 0

USE OF PAINKILLER MEDICINES This article is about painkiller medicines and also describes some side effects of painkillers medicines. Different medications are used to relieve fever and Pain, Some of {Read More}