MS Excel Learning Classes – 8

September 14, 2016 admin 0

MS Excel Learning Classes – 8 SUMIF Adds the cells specified by a given criteria. Syntax                                SUMIF(range,criteria,sum_range) Range                  is the range of cells you want evaluated. Criteria                is the criteria {Read More}

MS Excel Learning Classes – 5

September 14, 2016 admin 0

Formulas and Functions The distinguishing feature of a spreadsheet program such as Excel is that it allows you to create mathematical formulas and execute functions. Otherwise, it is not much {Read More}

MS Excel Learning Classes – 4

September 14, 2016 admin 0

The Formula Bar We mentioned earlier that worksheet cells are Excel’s building blocks. They store and display the information you enter in an Excel worksheet and allow you to perform {Read More}

MS Excel Learning Classes -3

September 14, 2016 admin 0

MS Excel Learning Classes -3 Menu Bar in Excel Excel screen consists of Nine Menu by default File Edit View Insert Format Tools Data Window Help [embeddoc url=”” download=”all” viewer=”microsoft”] {Read More}

512 GB Memory Card

September 14, 2016 admin 1

Main features of SanDisk 512 GB Memory Card  SanDisk 512GB Memory Card can capture Full HD, 3D, and 4K video.Vvideo you shoot today is ready for 4K Ultra HD televisions and {Read More}

Arabic Tutor

September 12, 2016 admin 0

Arabic Tutor Àbdullāh  Ibn  Àbbās    narrates  that  Rasūlullāh  [1]  said, “Love the Arabs for three things: because I am an Arab, the Qur’ān is in Arabic and the language of {Read More}

Microsoft Office 2016 New Features

September 11, 2016 admin 0

Microsoft Office 2016 Microsoft Office 2016 is the complete, cross-platform, cross-device solution for the modern workplace, with smart tools for individuals, teams, and businesses. It can open your applications, documents {Read More}