The author of book Asaan Rizq is composed by Dilshad & Sons Dehli and this book consists of 72 pages.
In this book you can find Kala Jado Ka Tord in islam, Sifli Jadoo Ki Kaat qurani ayat se, Love Marriage ki dua, Pasand Ki Shadi Ka Taweez, Karobari Bandish Ka Quran se ilaaj, Jadoo Ki Haqiqat aur Jado Karwany walay Ka Pata Lagana, Jado Shirk aur Kufar hai, Karobar Ki Bandish Ka Wazifa, Rizq Ki Bandish Door Karney Ki dua, Rizq aur Karobar Ki Bandish Ki dua, Job Ki Bandish Ka Rohani ilaj, Sifli Jado K Zariye Karobar Ki Bandish katam, Karobar Mein taraqi Ka Wazifa, Karobar Ki Bandish Ka Tord. This book is the best book about Black Magic and Sifli Magic in PDF.
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File Format: PDF | PDF Size: 17 MB | Pages: 72
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