Do you have cancer? If someone asks how would you answer this question? Of course we are not a doctor, but you know 70 to 80 percent of people ignore the main symptoms of cancer. It has appeared to the latest research in the United Kingdom. The Cancer Research of United Kingdom study has been ignored by those who fear the hidden symptoms of cancer that doctors do not waste their time. It has been mentioned an initial warning symptom of cancer research.
1- Continuous cough or sore throat, no tumor, diarrhea or constipation.
2- Body weight loss or a wound without reason that was not healing.
3- Vomiting, blood in the urine or waste come, the days of bleeding in certain women.
4- Toilet realizes the answer nature’s call his stomach was completely empty.
5- Warts on the weird shape.
Least 50 percent of the British public has been researching few warning symptoms such as continuous cough, a sore, but the experience cannot be recovered or gland, are only supposed to be two percent of the cancer May be. According to the researchers to suggest that if we can get a test without fear they suspect. They said that most of the symptoms are not cancer, but if the disease is diagnosed early it can be treated more easily.
5 Initial Hidden Symptoms of Cancer Disease In Urdu-5 Initial Hidden Symptoms of Cancer Disease- Initial Hidden Symptoms of Cancer Disease- Symptoms of Cancer Disease- Sore throat- tumor- diarrhea-constipation- Body weight loss- blood in the urine
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