Here is a complete list of Zong Monthly Call Packages along with other incentives. You can choose the package of your needs. Zong call packages for one week are best for the customer who needs to talk urgent and long for a whole month.
In this article you can find complete detail about Zong Shandaar Monthly Package, Zong All in 1 Bundle (Monthly), Zong Supreme Offer, Zong Supreme Plus Offer, Zong Monthly Power Pack 500, Zong Monthly Power Pack 1000 & Zong 3 Months Power Pack 1500. Check out all of the Monthly call packages and pick the one that is perfect for your needs.
All Zong Monthly Call Packages Detail- Zong Monthly Call Packages Activation Code-Zong Monthly Call Packages- Zong Shandaar Monthly Package-Zong All in 1 Bundle (Monthly)-Zong Supreme Offer-Zong Supreme Plus Offer- Zong Monthly Power Pack 500- Zong Monthly Power Pack 1000 & Zong 3 Months Power Pack 1500-Zong call packages monthly unlimited- Zong Day Bundle-Super Monthly Call Offer-Zong SIM Lagao Offer-Zong Har Din Package-Zong off net minutes-Zong to Zong call packages- Zong 2 hours call packages-Zong 1 hour call package code-Zong call packages monthly unlimited-Zong monthly call package-Zong monthly call package-Zong call packages-Zong all packages-Zong call packages 2 hours-Zong call packages monthly unlimited-Zong monthly call package-Zong din bhar offer-Zong 1 hour call package code-Zong internet packages
Zong Internet Packages Daily, Weekly, Monthly Sub and Unsubscribe Code With Prices
Zong Call Packages 2019, Hourly, Daily, Weekly and Monthly Pkgs Sub and Unsub Code
The rates of zong pachages is too high ..