Telenor is a well known mobile service provider in Pakistan. Telenor is one of largest GSM mobile service provider of Pakistan with more than 24 million subscribers. Telenor has progressed a lot and is giving a big competition to other mobile service providers in Pakistan. Telenor is always trying to honor its valued customers with best services. Telecommunication technology in Pakistan is very expensive due to different taxes but Telenor is always comforting its customers with latest packages.
In this article you can see Telenor Internet Package Price Plan Details in Pakistan with activation method, term and condition and internet package rates.
If you are mobile internet users and you want to get fast internet with reasonable rate then yes you are at right place because here we are sharing Telenor Weekly and Weekly, Monthly, Unlimited Internet Packages.
Telenor Weekly Internet Packages details are available here, you can also see the price, volume, validity, subscription and un-subscription code of Telenor Weekly Internet Packages.
All these Internet packages and offers can be subscribed and consumed in both 2G, 3G and LTE networks. Actual Internet speed will depend on multiple factors like device, web pages accessed, time of day, number of simultaneous users, distance from 3G site etc.
To use Telenor Weekly Internet Packages You will require a 3G enabled handset and be within a 3G coverage area to enjoy 3G services. To check coverage of 3G area, please dial *443*1#
Telenor Pakistan is licensed with 3G/4G spectrum and now it is providing Weekly, Weekly, Monthly 3G/4G Packages and offers for both talkshawk and djuice users. Recently Telenor won 850MHz 4G spectrum license. If you are one of the Telenor users and searching for the best package which suits your needs, you can select it here by comparing all Telenor internet packages and data limit and also price and expiry I’ve tried to put all information together. Following are the detail image of Telenor Weekly 3G Internet Packages. Details of All Telenor 3G/4G Packages are given below including Price, Volume, Validity, Subscription, and Un-Subscription. Select your Telenor 3G/4G Packages and enjoy the blazing speed of 3G/4G connectivity.
Price: Rs. 70/-
Data: 2GB
Validity: 7 Days (Use between 1AM to 7 PM)
Subscribe Code *345*144#
Un Subscribe Code : Automatically after expiry
Prices are inclusive of applicable taxes. Default rate usage without subscribing to bundles will be charged at Rs12/MB on 3G & 4G. Default rate usage without subscribing to bundles will be charged at Rs21.5/MB on 2G.After Rs60 of daily charging on default rate, further usage will be completely free for the rest of the day. Telenor 4G Weekly Package
Price: Rs. 75/-
Data: 750MB
Validity: 7 Days
Subscribe Code *345*134#
Un Subscribe Code : Automatically after expiry
Price: Rs. 95/-
Data: 100MB Free Internet + 350 MB Social Data ,1000 On-net Minutes ,
70 Off-net Minutes , 700 SMS
Validity: 7 Days
Subscribe D *5*7#
Un Subscribe Code : Automatically after expiry
Telenor Talkshawk reserves the right to withdraw the offer at any time.Offer mechanics and price are subject to change at any time.Call setup charges of 12.5 paisa (exclusive of tax) will be charged on every call. FED charges will apply based upon regional rates.
Price: Rs. 100/-
Data: 1200 MB Or 2GB
Validity: 7 Days
Subscribe D *345*164#
Un Subscribe Code : Automatically after expiry
Prices are inclusive of applicable taxes. Default rate usage without subscribing to bundles will be charged at Rs12/MB on 3G & 4G. Default rate usage without subscribing to bundles will be charged at Rs21.5/MB on 2G.After Rs60 of daily charging on default rate, further usage will be completely free for the rest of the day.
Zong Internet Packages Daily, Weekly, Monthly Prices and Unsubscribe Code
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